The clouds are painted with white golden color, another amazing color of nature. The weather is cold, the breeze is gently hugging me like a compassionate mother holding her ill child, the warmth of that feeling compensate my shaking body. Despite the louds sound of the cars on the highway, and despite the pedestrian’s steps and talking, I still can hear the sound of the breeze whistling into my ears . . . enjoy.
Memories of labor ...(photo from Arabian
Oh Riyadh Refinery Fire Station!!! Good bye emergency red phone that shakes me up every time it rings giving me nothing but fear. Good bye old water tanker truck, so slow on the roads, traveling from the past to the present, living with generations of fire men. Good bye flare fire, blazing from a distance, filling our lungs with smoke and diseases. Good buy the noisy boilers of the hydrocracker plant that penetrate my ears directly to my brain keeping me awake for nights. Good bye flavorsome food of Abu Sadeq, white rice with chicken and vegetables cooked with tomato sauce. Good bye to my co-workers, my friends, my brothers and their talks. Oh Riyadh Refinery Fire Station . . thank you for giving me all the sweet and sour memories.